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Being Disaster Ready

September 10, 2021

Believe it or Not?

Many scientists are saying that climate change is a leading cause of the number of weather related catastrophes we are seeing more often. It seems you cannot read, listen or watch the news these days without a disaster story. Floods, fires, tornadoes and earthquakes are impacting people everywhere. Whether or not you believe climate change is real, you should definitely believe in being prepared.

September and Remember

September is National Preparedness Month. This year’s theme is “Prepare to Protect. Preparing for disasters is protecting everyone you love.” The most important thing you can do is talk to your friends and family about how you will communicate before, during and after a disaster. And to throw more concerns your way, your plan should be updated based on the Centers for Disease Control recommendations due to Coronavirus.

Plan Ahead

When a disaster strikes, you should be well-prepared for any scenario if you have already gathered supplies that will last for several days. Get enough for each person in your family. Make sure you include your pets in this plan. Water, food, batteries, flash lights, first aid kits and a manual can opener for food are a great start. Important family documents such as copies of insurance policies, identification and bank account records saved electronically or in a waterproof, portable container are also vital in case your home is destroyed. It is always best to get your car or truck in shape in case a disaster hits. Always keep a full tank of gas in case there are disaster related power outages.

More Planning

If you have children and a weather emergency is near, know all about your child’s school and schedule. Understand the school’s emergency plan and who to contact. Have a good supply of games and books packed to keep kids busy. Make plans for older or disabled family members.

 When Disaster Strikes

If your home is threatened by a wildfire, be ready to get out on very short notice. It’s a great idea to create a fire resistant zone around your house that is free of leaves, debris and other materials. The zone should be at least 30 feet away. The most important thing to know about flooding is to follow this simple rule. “Turn around, don’t drown!” Floods are the most common natural disaster in the United States. Always move to either higher ground or higher floor. Stay off bridges that are over fast-moving water.

Disaster Homework

Learn what disasters could impact your area. Know how to get emergency alerts and find out where the nearest shelters are in your neighborhood if you need to evacuate. Did you know you can order free preparedness materials from FEMA? These materials will be shipped to your home at no cost. Please allow up to three weeks for the delivery. Go to


Emergency Fund

When you hear that a storm is approaching, think about visiting your nearest TVFCU branch, ATM or ITM. Take out enough cash to cover your essentials like meals and accommodations for up to three or four days. Having an emergency fund in place is always a smart investment when you need to cover unexpected expenses.

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